Archetypes: Everyperson

Sometimes the Ego is unassuming.

It is the Everyman. It is the Everywoman. The Everyperson.

Morality, virtue, and equality are important–and when you are an Everyperson, perhaps they are appreciated more than anything else. Among the twelve archetypes, there are none more “centered” than he. The Everyperson is not just centered in heart and spirituality and education, but also in the “wheel” of archetypes. The Everyperson can easily turn into any of the other Soul or Self types.

As I mentioned in my first and second post in this series, this collection of posts deals with the archetypes first put forth by psychiatrist Carl Jung, and the use of these archetypes in fiction. Every post deals with the motivations, character profiles, and Shadows (or negatives) of each archetype. This week is the second of the Ego types: the Everyperson.



 The Everyperson


Sometimes referred to as the Orphan, the good neighbor, silent majority, good old boy, common man, or person next door, the Everyperson is a little bit of you, a little bit of me, and a little bit of everyone else, too. The Everyperson stands on equal footing with all of her peers, and is eager to build new and lasting relationships with all of the personalities that populate her world.

The Everyperson wants, more than anything, is security. Her life has been hard: trauma and ordeals have forced her to accept a realistic outlook, and at worst, a terrible cynicism. It takes a while to became a true friend of the Everyperson.

To be accepted by her chosen peers is part of the Everyperson’s wishes. And while belonging to a family, a group, a country, or adventure is what motivates her to succeed, the unending desire for acceptance can also lead to loss of self in the effort to please so many others.

The Everyperson is virtuousdown-to-earth, and carries indelible empathy for the pain of others. If the Everyperson were an astrological sign, she’d be the Virgo. She is resilienthardworking, and is most in touch with the consequences of “the quest”, particularly death, as she has had contact with it before. She sometimes has a pessimistic or deadpan sense of humor, which can help her bond with others in tougher situations.

On the flip side, the Everyperson is disdainful of elitism, classism, and any other “-isms”–and may even, in her Shadow, turn to the mercenary (or Outlaw archetype) as a way to combat the systems that have caused her suffering earlier in life. The orphan is prone to self-pity, and is often mistrustful of others when forced into a leadership role. Unlike the Innocent, the Orphan tends to demotivate her team members with her constant negativity. She is also willing to be abused if the only other option is to be alone.


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Recommended Reading:

Other Post in this Series:

Archetypes-Innocent animaandanimusheader

10 responses to “Archetypes: Everyperson”

  1. I’m enjoying this series. I’ve always loved reading and learning about the archetypes and applying them to my life, people i know. I identify with several, and some more or less at different times of my life. But I’d not heard of the “Everyman” before. In that place on the wheel in my reading has been the “orphan.” So it’s interesting finding a new type.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it, Deborah! It’s a bit of a labor of love, but I’m really liking it myself. It feels good to be writing it, and I’m learning as I go. 🙂 Everyman, as a qualifier, is a relatively new term, but it’s similar to Mother being changed to Caregiver. I think modern renditions of this are trying to make the labels more inclusive. But yes, this was traditionally the Orphan.
