Archetypes: Innocent

What endears us to a character?

Centuries of literature from all across the globe have shown us kings, highwaymen, samurai, wisemen, star-crossed lovers, and wizards––many so common that they have become archetypes in our consciousness. According to Carl Jung, there are twelve in all, set into three different categories of Ego, Soul, and Self.

In addition to these archetypes, which each have their own motivations, mottos, and shadows, are the Anima, Animus, and Persona.

Archetypes work as an appealing framework for the characters that fill our myths, legends, fairytales, and literature. They exist in all sorts of cultures (sometimes under different names, such as the Sage being also the Wiseman, Shaman, or Taoist Monk).

What follows is a mini-series devoted to the explanation of Jung’s twelve archetypes, through examples in film*, literature, and video games, and close looks at the elements that separate them from the rest.

The series will have thirteen posts in all, including this one, and the previously published The Anima and Animus in Fantasy. It will start with the archetypes in the Ego category (Innocent, Everyperson, Hero, Caregiver), then move on to the Soul (Explorer, Outlaw, Lover, Creator), and finish with the Self (Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler).

*examples gleaned from film and television are more accessible than those through literature, as the likelihood that a movie has been watched is higher than a book having been read.



The Innocent

The Innocent

Known by many other names, including the Child, the Youth, Utopian, naive, and mystic, the Innocent embodies all that we wish to return to in old age, and a soul untarnished by the harshness of the world.

The Innocent craves happiness above all else. It need not be just his own; the Innocent desires paradise for all, even his enemy. The motivations for the Innocent are sincere. Truth is all he knows.

This unadulterated innocence is what makes this archetype one of the most sympathetic characters, and in group settings, it is the Innocent who often rallies those sooner down-trodden. They inspire people to default to the good, especially those that are apathetic. At his height, the Innocent can convince a neutral party to fight for the Hero, even if there is no reward to be had and the chance of success is slim. His optimism is unrivaled.

However, the Innocent is not impervious to the Shadow, or those elements of an archetype that the Self rejects from its day-to-day Persona. In fact, the Innocent can be terribly naive, to the point of endangering those around him. The Innocent can also be precocious, and difficult to reason with. They are dependent on the skill of others to survive, but may not be aware of it, often living sheltered lives or having a disposition that ignores reality in order to retain a fantasy ideal.


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Recommended Reading:

21 responses to “Archetypes: Innocent”

  1. Brilliant post — I’ve always been fascinated with archetypes. Even though certainly people cannot be grouped or clustered into an archetype so wholly, it’s always interesting to read up and learn from these frameworks, as you aptly put it.


    1. Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, the thing that separates the archetypes from tropes or stereotypes as they ARE just the “frameworks”, rather than the character as a whole. All of the characters in the gallery are quite different from each other, but hold the same, integral “innocence” of the archetype. 🙂

      I had a lot of fun writing this one, and can’t wait to work on the next one!


  2. Great examples, and overall an excellent post. Perfect way to start my day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Jeff. I’m always glad to know I’m one of the first people you sit down to read in the morning. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Is this my magic 12? I know the character said “Why can’t it ever be just about me!” but I am sensitive to the number 12 since I woke up thinking about the 12 Tattoos…
    Thx Alex. I have much to learn! You are a good teacher!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, like 3, 12 is a good number. Twelve months, four seasons of three months each… Twelve hours in a half day cycle, etc. I’m really glad you enjoyed the post, Stuart! I had a lot of fun writing it!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. […] I mentioned in my first and second post in this series, this collection of posts deals with the archetypes first put forth by […]


  5. I find this invaluable material for creating my fictional characters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really glad you enjoyed it! I still have 5 more to write. I’m really excited about this series!


    1. Thank you so much for the reblog, Kate! I truly appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome Alex


  6. Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie and commented:
    glad I dropped in, best read I’ve had in ages. Looking forward to more in the same vein…


  7. Woebegone but Hopeful Avatar
    Woebegone but Hopeful

    Thank you so much for this information…all printed out and ready for reference!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Hopefully once the series is finished, I’ll be able to pull all the information together for a self-published book. I want to make worksheets and longer examples of the character studies, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Woebegone but Hopeful Avatar
        Woebegone but Hopeful

        Now that is a worthy project, a valuable aid to writers.


    1. You’re welcome, and thank you! I hope you like the rest of the series!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I look forward to the rest. Thank you.


  8. thank you so much, very interesting
